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OPS OES Thailand provides top professionals capable of executing non-proprietary studies. The studies include specific geo-technical studies in a certain basin or petroleum province, such as fault-seal capacity, the tectono-stratigraphic framework of a basin or sub-basin etc., and comprehensive reviews of the petroleum potential of large basins or countries.

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Example of a non-proprietary study: a full review of the Uzbekistan/Turkmenistan Gas Basin (source USGS, 2004).

The studies consist of the review, evaluation and interpretation of available data in the public domain, as well as commercial studies, specifically purchased by the Client and data packages from the Government (usually, after a certain period of time, e.g. 30 years, Operators’ data can be purchased by Third Parties).


Obviously, the quantity and quality of the available information varies widely from basin to basin. For example, the amount of well, seismic, and production data from the North Sea is endlessly bigger than in frontier exploration areas.




OPS OES’s technical professionals use all the available information and technical knowledge to make their own independent and integrated interpretations and produce technical reports, maps, sections, and databases, within the time frame, set by the Client.


Depending on the entry strategy of the Client into a country, there may be a demand for one or more specific basin studies in order to get an understanding of the structural-stratigraphic architecture, and its petroleum potential. These studies typically last some 2 months per basin (depending on the available data) and generally comprise a comprehensive evaluation of all factors that determine the petroleum potential, such as:


  • Structural framework

  • Stratigraphy

  • Petroleum System

  • Prospectivity; Prospect Inventory

  • Risked Reserves Estimation

  • Production


Generally, the end report is being submitted to management, but more commonly to Client’s New Ventures Department. In a joint effort, a final evaluation and recommendation is submitted to Client’s upper management, which also includes an assessment of political risk, economical factors, existing infrastructure and entry regulations.


When Client already has a serious intention to enter a country (e.g. after signing a MOU or Memorandum of Understanding), Client could visit the local Petroleum Authorities and will also get proprietary data to evaluate.

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