There are several reasons why E&P companies are re-organizing their business portfolio, such as downsizing and ridding mature or non-producing assets or expanding their business to get a bigger market share; they may want to shift their focus from exploration to production, or becoming a more aggressive exploration player in the market. They also may look for ways to share their investment risks (e.g. in deep water exploratory drilling).
OPS OES Thailand’s personnel can help Oil and Gas Companies re-organize their business portfolio (exploration, development and production). They have all skills and expertise needed for a comprehensive technical, economic and risk evaluation to review and value Clients’ assets. And as such, they are perfectly capable to help in both acquiring and divesting assets.
OPS OES’ service provides a full-scale technical and economical evaluation of Client’s exploration and production assets, or assets that Client wants to acquire or farm into, or get rid of (farm-out, relinquishment). This includes geophysical and geological evaluation, as well as reservoir engineering studies, production optimization, and economics. It could be done on individual prospects, or on a portfolio of drilled and un-drilled prospects, field, or block level, or even at total asset level. Projects like these require a multi-disciplinary team to handle all different petroleum aspects. OPS OES Thailand does provide such teams, consisting of highly experienced G&G and RE personnel able to handle complex evaluations. Our teams are also capable to participate in Licensing Rounds and submit technical work and financial proposals. OPS OES can help our Clients in:
Asset acquisition, farm-in and divestment evaluation, providing support and advice from the sub surface evaluation to advise of bid strategy
Reserves and Valuation Reports for management project approval and finance
Country entry advice and support to the New Ventures Department
Exploration license round evaluations and bid advice
Exploration & appraisal technical and commercial evaluations
Integrated Field Studies
Field commercialization studies
Field regeneration and re-development plans
Pre-Equity Determination and Re-Determination (Unitization); before handing over to unitization specialists
We can help with all types of acquisitions, including, but not limited to:
Bidding on Assets
Organize and support data rooms, looking at all aspects of the opportunity or just the technical or commercial, and can:
Quantify the risks of an opportunity
Pre-opportunity research
Can bring opportunities to clients